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Independent author and historian.



Jen Farquharson is a an independent historian and author who publishes non-fiction and fiction works exploring history, heritage, and the weird and the wonderful. .


Her stories are full of fantasy and horror: mythical creatures, murderous teenagers, the Ronettes...

And her research explores Scotland's rich history, including mental healthcare and the First World War.



Benny sat back on her heels. The spike of one pressed against the small of her back. She could feel the cooling and sticky stretch of blood speckled on her skin and splashed in her hair.


"So won’t you please, be my, be my baby? Be my little baby? My one and only baby."


A leg hung out of the car on the driver’s side. She hauled in a ragged gasp of air and bared her pearly teeth in an expensive snarl.


Or, how The Ronettes became the soundtrack to a murder.

Photo by chmyphotography on Unsplash.



It was a tiny, sorry, mangled thing, the body in the bush. All its mush and slop was barely contained by its bruised, decaying casing. It was like the remnants of a child’s meal dropped to the floor and forgotten.
All Cuan had ever wanted to do was protect others. Being part of Talam's lead homicide team seemed the best way to do that; until he was asked to solve a murder he's fairly sure was committed by his best friend. A friend he hadn't seen since he'd all but killed him.

Photo by Daniel Jensen on Unsplash

"Fantasy is hardly an escape from reality. It's a way of understanding it."

Lloyd Alexander

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